New guy seeking member assistance


  • F9 toggles the prompter’s state.
  • Ctrl+P Pauses and resumes
  • Spacebar Stops

Prompter states are:

  • Editing
  • Standby,
  • Countdown
  • Prompting

Finally i know the different stages. Still feels werid having to click start promping twice

I meant from full stop in the beginning… I have been using the “start Prompter” tab at the top… Is there a keyboard command that starts the scrolling process initially?

just hit F9 twice and it began the scroll…! That is way kewl!!! Lovin ’ this moreNmore

Gonna go to a wireless keyboard so I can carry it into the booth to record… This is coming together nicely ya’ll!!!

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The reason you have to press twice is because it’s switching from Editing to Standby.

Go to Countdown and uncheck Auto Frame so that it skips the Standby state and starts prompting immediately.

To jump to the very start of the script, press Ctrl+PageUp and leave it pressed it. That will jump to the previous marker and keep jumping to the previous marker until the start of the document is reached.

The only drawback is that it takes the control away from my record program (Presonus Pro) when I click on Q… (another issue I’ll have to inspect)

Can you share a picture of the booth?

Auto Frame ‘is’ unchecked…?

Huh… Then states should be going in either of these two ways:

  • Editing > Prompting
  • Editing > Countdown > Prompting

If they aren’t, you may have stumbled into a bug.