Copy paste the entire message below and save it as an .ahk
This Autohotkey script pretty much explains itself in the comments.
I hope this helps someone else!!
~Start script BELOW this line~
#SingleInstance Force
; This script is for AutoHotKey v1
; This is a re-mapping script for a bluetooth controller that came with my ILOKNZI teleprompter. They have an AWFUL android/iphone application so instead of using that application I wrote this script to make their controller send commands to Qprompt using the default key bindings. I set this up with what I think are the most useful commands for a speaker. I have all the other commands for the default key bindings of QPrompt listed below the actual script.
vkB3:: ;trigger button on the ILOKNZI remote control
WinActivate, ahk_exe qprompt.exe
Send, {Ctrl down}{p down}
Send, {p up}{Ctrl up} ;Play/Pause on QPrompt
vkB1:: ;up button on the ILOKNZI remote control
WinActivate, ahk_exe qprompt.exe
Send ^{PgUp} ;Go to Previous Marker on QPrompt
vkB0:: ;down button on the ILOKNZI remote control
WinActivate, ahk_exe qprompt.exe
Send ^{PgDn} ;Go to Next Marker on QPrompt
vkAE:: ;left button on the ILOKNZI remote control
WinActivate, ahk_exe qprompt.exe
Send {DOWN} ;Increase Velocity on QPrompt
vkAF:: ;right button on the ILOKNZI remote control
WinActivate, ahk_exe qprompt.exe
Send {UP} ;Decrease Velocity on QPrompt
; WHAT FOLLOWS IS EVERY DEFAULT KEY BINDING ON QPROMPT. You can use these to swap out the commands Im using above with any of the other commands
; The scripts are in the order of the Key Bindings (from top to bottom) on QPrompt 1.1.6 (v1.151788eb) to make them easier to follow along with inside the settings menu of QPrompt
; You can see the default key bindings/hotkeys on QPrompt by going to Menu > Control Settings > Keyboard Inputs > Key Bindings
; In case its not obvious, you will have to remove the semicolon at the very start of each line in order to make that part of the script "active" so remove them after you swap them with what I have listed above.
; WinActivate, ahk_exe qprompt.exe
; Send {F9} ;This command will -Toggle Prompter State- on QPrompt
; WinActivate, ahk_exe qprompt.exe
; Send {UP} ;This command will -Decrease Velocity- on QPrompt
; WinActivate, ahk_exe qprompt.exe
; Send {DOWN} ;This command will -Increase Velocity- on QPrompt
; WinActivate, ahk_exe qprompt.exe
; Send {RETURN} ;This command will -Stop- on QPrompt
; WinActivate, ahk_exe qprompt.exe
; Send, {Ctrl down}{p down}
; Send, {p up}{Ctrl up} ;This command will -Play/Pause- on QPrompt
; WinActivate, ahk_exe qprompt.exe
; Send, {I} ;This command will -Reverse- on QPrompt
; WinActivate, ahk_exe qprompt.exe
; Send, {R} ;This command will -Rewind- on QPrompt
; WinActivate, ahk_exe qprompt.exe
; Send {F} ;This command will -Fast Forward- on QPrompt
; WinActivate, ahk_exe qprompt.exe
; Send {PgUp} ;This command will -Move Backwards- on QPrompt
; WinActivate, ahk_exe qprompt.exe
; Send {PgDn} ;This command will -Move Forwards- on QPrompt
; WinActivate, ahk_exe qprompt.exe
; Send ^{PgUp} ;This command will -Go to Previous Marker- on QPrompt
; WinActivate, ahk_exe qprompt.exe
; Send ^{PgDn} ;This command will -Go to Next Marker- on QPrompt