How to use QPrompt with a Stream Deck +

  1. Click on Dial you wish to set as speed control

  2. Drag Hotkey to the dial

  3. Set the fields at for the dial in the following way:

  • Title: QPrompt
  • Rotate CCW: Up
  • Rotate CW: Down
  • Press / Tap: Ctrl+P
  1. Set the icon to qprompt.icon which can be found at the following locations:

I was able to create some AutoHotKey scripts that send the default Key Binding hotkey commands to QPrompt. These work in Streamdeck (using the System > Open > File… button that looks like a rocket ship) and can also be repuposed to work with any other system if you know how to incorporate them.

If you are using another program like OBS and you dont want these scripts to “steal” your mouse focus, you can add the following bit of script to the end of the scripts I have written. This will “alt-tab” you back to the most previous application (the one you were working on at the time the hotkey was sent to QPrompt).

sleep, 10
Send !{Tab}


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Thank you very much @JZ1978! I’m sure these will be useful to others as well!

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Happy to help, brother! Thank you for making such an awesome and useful program!

You might want to download them for yourself as I will clean out my Google Drive from time to time. Otherwise, I will post them as text here. Also, if youre worried about downloads from a stranger on the internet (I dont blame you), you can just use what Ive pasted below.

Each unique script will be separated by a ~ symbol. The scripts are in the order of the Key Bindings (from top to bottom) on QPrompt 1.1.6 (v1.151788eb)

This is for AutoHotKey v1

(do not include the ~ in any of the scripts):

WinActivate, ahk_exe qprompt.exe
sleep, 10
Send {F9} ;Toggle Prompter State


WinActivate, ahk_exe qprompt.exe
sleep, 10
Send {UP} ;Decrease Velocity


WinActivate, ahk_exe qprompt.exe
sleep, 10
Send {DOWN} ;Increase Velocity


WinActivate, ahk_exe qprompt.exe
sleep, 10
Send {RETURN} ;Stop


WinActivate, ahk_exe qprompt.exe
sleep, 10
Send, {Ctrl down}{p down}
Sleep, 5
Send, {p up}{Ctrl up} ;Play/Pause


WinActivate, ahk_exe qprompt.exe
sleep, 10
Send, {I} ;Reverse


WinActivate, ahk_exe qprompt.exe
sleep, 10
Send, {R} ;Rewind


WinActivate, ahk_exe qprompt.exe
sleep, 10
Send {F} ;Fast Forward


WinActivate, ahk_exe qprompt.exe
sleep, 10
Send {PgUp} ;Move Backwards


WinActivate, ahk_exe qprompt.exe
sleep, 10
Send {PgDn} ;Move Forwards


WinActivate, ahk_exe qprompt.exe
sleep, 10
Send ^{PgUp} ;Go to Previous Marker


WinActivate, ahk_exe qprompt.exe
sleep, 10
Send ^{PgDn} ;Go to Next Marker

You might want to download them for yourself as I will clean out my Google Drive from time to time.

I have, thank you! We could host it at GitHub. I have a GitHub organization for hosting third party code used to make or related to QPrompt. If you have a GitHub account, I could create a repository there and give you access to upload the files; that way you’ll register as the author. You could also upload to your own repository and allow me to make a copy in the aforementioned space.

You should choose a license that allows your code to be used. Then add your name to each file, if it’s possible, in compliance to the open source or free software license of your choosing. Since this code is not derived from QPrompt’s code, the choice of the license falls upon you.

If you have any questions, feel free to ask. Please be aware that, although I’ve read and use many of these licenses, I am not a lawyer.

I appreciate the offer but I dont have a GitHub account, nor do I claim any ownership of my script. Feel free to use these as you see fit. No worries at all. AutoHotKey is also Open Source. The scripts people create for them are intellectual property of those who created them but as far as Im concerned, what I wrote is so basic that theres no need for me to even ask for credit. Honestly, compared to the work youve done… its nothing :slight_smile:

Cheers, brother!