New guy seeking member assistance

Thats a little different in my opinon opposed to a Software manual but shure a manual would be good. Just looked quickly if you press R in goes fast backwards and F for fast forward. You can stop autoscroll with a press of the Space.

Be my guest! I can provide you with up-to-date screenshots from the version that’s currently in-development, since we still have the issues with building that I had talked to you about before.

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As for the video production suggestion, that’s something I would love to see, but making and maintaining videos takes time, so I think we should start with written resources first and later derive from there to other forms of media.

Qp run a whole chapter of a book?

There’s no limit to file sizes. I’ve found the program to start slowing down after around the equivalent of 24 hours of text and later crash after the equivalent of 3 days of text. A book split by chapters should be easy for it to handle.

How do I stop and start as I go?

A professional teleprompter operator once suggested making the spacebar Stop the prompter instead of pausing. I listened because they made a very good argument, but that turned out to be a bad choice for all the QPrompt users that aren’t professional teleprompter operators.

There are various keys you can press for QPrompt to take different actions. In most cases, you can change what key you need to press for an action to take place. Which key is assigned to which action is what we call a Key Binding.

Right now ‘Stop’ is set to “Spacebar” and ‘Pause’ is set to “Ctrl+P”. You can invert these by going to
Main menu > Control Settings > Keyboard Inputs, clicking on the shortcut you wish to change and entering the new key that you’d like to use. You can only set a shortcut to a key that isn’t being used, so to invert Pause and Stop you’ll need to set Stop to some other key first and then set Pause to Spacebar before you can set Stop to Ctrl+P.

How does the ‘marker option’ work “on the fly”?
There are two buttons that look like a book marker to the bottom left of the UI. Pressing the first of these buttons will add a marker at the position of they keyboard cursor. That is, a marker will be added on top of selected text or on the word immediately proceeding the blinking keyboard position indicator on screen.

The second of the bookmarks will add a marker as well, but this one also lets you choose a key combination that you can associate to the bookmark, allowing you to jump to that location while prompting by pressing that key combination. A key combination will not work if there’s a key binding already using it because key bindings take preference over marker shortcuts.


You can also double click anywhere on the prompter while prompting to enter “Edit while prompting mode”. A keyboard cursor will be placed wherever you double clicked on, allowing you to make quick changes as you prompt. Press ESC or double click again to exit this mode.

i do agree manuals can be updated alot faster. I just feel like there should be a sub 10 site quick start guide in addition to the manual since the manual for imagineary prompter is quite long at 62 sites.

translating the marker part was the worst part of the whole translation.

Didn’t PDF manuals go out of fashion with the decline of DVD Software releases? Was interesting back then they printed the manual and included it on the DVD.

They have. Nevertheless, users still like them, especially outside of the software industry. We should probably use something like Doxygen or Sphinx to write our docs however. That would enable people to find what they need more quickly using a search engine. I feel most inclined for using Sphinx, but Doxygen’s integration to C++ makes it a very attractive option.

I do agree manuals can be updated a lot faster. I just feel like there should be a sub 10 page quick start guide in addition to the manual since the manual for Imaginary Teleprompter is quite long at 62 pages.

Good idea. I would like a user manual to be simple and not redundant. Otherwise if it were to be translated, it would be the translator’s nightmare…

translating the marker part was the worst part of the whole translation.

Interesting! I know Marker is a last name in German, so it must feel out of place for you. Should I be using Bookmarks instead of Markers for the English version? Would that be more universal for you?

After a quick look at booth of them Sphinx seems more atractive to me aswell. On the other hand i do undrestand why PDF manuals are liked by alot of users:

  1. They are using a simple format without distracting whilst reading.
  2. They work offline and can be included with the download so the user doesnt have to search them.

I mean Marker kinda exist but Makierung is proberly more common. Bookmarks feel of alittle since your not really marking a singel pages but rather a area.

I mean Marker kinda exist but Makierung is proberly more common. Bookmarks feel of alittle since your not really marking a singel pages but rather a area.

Hmm… Good point!

Whichever documentation software solution we choose should give users the ability to export it as a PDF. I think there’s a plugin that can add this feature to Sphinx, but I haven’t really looked into it.

Let’s continue the documentation topic here: QPrompt User Documentation

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How do I start the prompter with the keyboard? And resume play?


  • F9 toggles the prompter’s state.
  • Ctrl+P Pauses and resumes
  • Spacebar Stops

Prompter states are:

  • Editing
  • Standby,
  • Countdown
  • Prompting

Finally i know the different stages. Still feels werid having to click start promping twice

I meant from full stop in the beginning… I have been using the “start Prompter” tab at the top… Is there a keyboard command that starts the scrolling process initially?

just hit F9 twice and it began the scroll…! That is way kewl!!! Lovin ’ this moreNmore

Gonna go to a wireless keyboard so I can carry it into the booth to record… This is coming together nicely ya’ll!!!

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The reason you have to press twice is because it’s switching from Editing to Standby.

Go to Countdown and uncheck Auto Frame so that it skips the Standby state and starts prompting immediately.

To jump to the very start of the script, press Ctrl+PageUp and leave it pressed it. That will jump to the previous marker and keep jumping to the previous marker until the start of the document is reached.

The only drawback is that it takes the control away from my record program (Presonus Pro) when I click on Q… (another issue I’ll have to inspect)

Can you share a picture of the booth?

Auto Frame ‘is’ unchecked…?

Huh… Then states should be going in either of these two ways:

  • Editing > Prompting
  • Editing > Countdown > Prompting

If they aren’t, you may have stumbled into a bug.