QPrompt User Documentation

@Liebeg Let’s discuss documentation on this separate topic, so we don’t end-up making the other discussion difficult to follow.

We should probably use something like Doxygen or Sphinx to write our docs however. That would enable people to find what they need more quickly using a search engine. I feel most inclined towards using Sphinx, but Doxygen’s integration to C++ makes it a very attractive option.

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You might be able to convince me to Sphinx but to Doxygen isnt fitting. It feels more complicated and aimed at developers, but QPrompt isnt primerly targeting devs but simple users ig.

It feels more complicated and aimed at developers, but QPrompt isnt primerly targeting devs but simple users ig.

That’s exactly how I feel.

Here, I’ve found a way to generate a PDF manual from Sphinx: How to create a PDF-out-of-Sphinx-documentation-tool - Stack Overflow

I have no idea what they are talkking about on SO. But atleast Sphinx seems to be the way to go

Do you have experience with Spinex? Or do you have it setup already?

I have experience with both Sphinx, yes. With Doxygen too, but definitively more experience with Sphinx.

As for how the written aspect would work, it consists of a collection of reStructureText files with an index file that points to them. There is a plugin we can use that would allow us to use Markdown instead of reStructureText. I’m good with either format, so let me know which you prefer.

I heard of Markdown before restructuretext i never heard before. Whats the difference?

Markdown is what GitHub and other sites use. It’s more popular than reStructuredText and, in my opinion, easier to use.

are there any advantages to restruc…?

Since reStructureText is the default option, using it would make things easier if we tried to integrate Doxygen generated documentation into Sphinx in the future.

Lets go with Markdown then, i don’ think mixing doxygen in is making it easier.

Yeah, if we write documentation for developers in the future I’d like to keep it separate from the user’s documentation.

great i like the idea of splitting them.
Btw look what i found:

3 years ago

Ah, yes! There’s some history right there!

still qued?

TBH, I haven’t looked at the queue in a while. My priorities now are to get screen projections working in Qt 6 and to fix of the installers. Of course, community interactions such as this one and the users who ask for help always take precedence over that.

Queued items can be found here:QPrompt · GitHub
And how I sort the priorities is found here: GitHub - Cuperino/QPrompt-Teleprompter: Teleprompter software for all video creators. Built with ease of use, productivity, control accuracy, and smooth performance in mind.

But to answer your question. Yes, it’s still in the queue, between updating contents remotely and adding factory reset.

factory reset shouln’t be to hard ig. How can i contribute to sphinex?

Factory reset isn’t too hard, but it was not as easy as you might think. Each OS stores values in a different way. On Linux it’s as simple as deleting a file, but on Windows you have to interact with the Windows registry and, I don’t even remember how it’s done in MacOS. It’s all abstracted by Qt’s Settings API. I haven’t touched on this because I was considering moving to using a different API that to help me an issue with the settings from Screens not being saved.

couldn’t the values be safed inside a .txt or .json file within the Qprompt install location?

Totatally not how i usually code.

Most operating systems treat the folders where programs are installed as a read-only space for user space proceses, so that wouldn’t work. The current approach uses storage methods and locations that are preferable for each of those operating systems.