QPrompt User Documentation

Already sounds dumb. You have to pay for us to sign it.
Vs yeah that .exe will just work even if i create it using linux or windows or mac.

Yeah, it sucks. It’s a form of gatekeeping in my opinion. Nevertheless, I want my apps to be were people are, and on esoteric platforms too (for fun).

Next stop: Serenity OS!

I’m kidding. That won’t happen until after all the three mayor platforms are working again.

To those curious: No, Imaginary Teleprompter does not run on the Ladybird web browser yet. The editor fails to load and the something in the JavaScript code crashes the tab.

Whats serenty os.? Proberly more open to devs than apple

It’s an OS even more esoteric than Haiku OS. It’s structured to be like Windows 9x in it’s user interface and like Unix in it’s command line. It’s very polished and has various modern features compared to the OSs it was inspired on. Nevertheless, it’s still lacking various others, which makes it impractical for modern use.

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Hi @Liebeg,

I’ve added Sphinx to the qt6-build-script branch. It can be found under docs.

You can build the documentation using Sphinx’s commands (see Sphinx’s documentation) or have it be built automatically when CMake does a build.

For markdown formatting, refer to MyST’s documentation: https://myst-parser.readthedocs.io

The output from documentation built via CMake (when QPrompt is built) will appear under /build/BUILD_DIRECTORY/docs/doc/.

Announcing the place to write QPrompt’s documentation

Hi Cuperino, hi Liebeg,
thank you for your excellent work! Although I am not using the app at the moment, I migth soon. I’d like to contribute in my spare time in translating the software and the user manual.
I already did the translation of the software on https://l10n.cuperino.com, but I think there are a few mistakes in the original text (esprcially with the hot keys).
Also the documentation in QPrompt User Manual - CodiMD seems not t be up to date with the software 1.1.3
@Cuperino, in some menus it is not clear, if a function is active or not (main menu - control settings - scrollwheel for speed), maybe you could change icons correspondingly?

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The source language needs to be modified in the program’s source code and then the po/extractmessages.sh script run to update the strings for all translations. Translation corrections can then be done locally using KDE’s Lokalize or committing and pushing the changes for them to be available online via Weblate, the interface that you used.

Please list any changes you’d like to propose to the original strings. You can list them like this:

Original string one. => New string one.
Optional description telling us where that string can be found in the program.

Original string two. => New string two.
Optional description telling us where that string can be found in the program.

You can also file an issue regarding translations at: Sign in to GitHub · GitHub

As for the documentation, it’s based on v1.1.6 but we just started working on it recently so it’s very incomplete. Since there are many changes in QPrompt between this version and the upcoming v2.0 release, I’m personally not likely going to work on it with aims of finishing it until after v2.0 is out. Nevertheless, contributions are welcome and both @Liebeg and I will be adding to it on occasion in the meantime.

Here’s a blog post I made earlier today regarding QPrompt’s next release and version changes: https://www.patreon.com/posts/qprompt-status-112029414

@Cuperino, in some menus it is not clear, if a function is active or not (main menu - control settings - scrollwheel for speed), maybe you could change icons correspondingly?

As for the menu icons, could you file a separate bug report for this? It seems like a small but nuanced change and I don’t want to clutter the documentation’s discussion. You can do so at: Sign in to GitHub · GitHub

As for icon options, please take a look at: icons
These are all the icons that we can choose from for use in menus.

@karls0 i think i saw you translate something a few days ago. For the documentation thats alittle difficult for multiple reasons. One of them beeing that the last release was over a year ago. Secondly the fact that QPrompt is still missing a language setting.

Since the documentation was announced on patreon arround three months ago, nobody really bothered to expand it apart from me and @Cuperino.

@Cuperino did you finally add the subdomain that directly leads to the right codimd document?

I will take a closer look at the current state of the documentation now. If you have any specific part you deem the most necesairy i could start adding that one first.

Hi Javier,
I filed a few reports at github and hope you find them useful.
While working on my private docu, some questions arouse. I hope this is the right place for them:

  1. how do you insert a picture (besides editing the html-file and writing the img-tag)
  2. I do not understand the function or use of throttling - what is it for and when should I use it?
    TIA, Karl

Hi Liebeg,
I understand the problems of documentation, especially in a moving project. For my own use I have written a very short (as you suggested) manual. It is strictly from a user perspective and does not bother about installation or different OSes. Most users will be able to find out a lot for themselves when they get a start in the right direction.
I would like to share it with you to discuss modifications, but I cannot upload it here. How can I send it to you? A German version would be possible within a few days too.

  1. how do you insert a picture (besides editing the html-file and writing the img-tag)

There’s no way other than editing the HTML with a different program. I haven’t gotten around to adding this feature and it has a low priority compared to others.

  1. I do not understand the function or use of throttling - what is it for and when should I use it?

Laptop touchpads tend to send multiple scrollwheel signals at once, for that reason it is necessary to have a throttle feature for the mouse wheel. If you’re using an actual mouse wheel, you shouldn’t need to throttle. Throttle is enabled by default so everyone can use the feature; no throttle makes the feature unusable on touchpads.

Unfortunately there’s no way to tell apart a mouse wheel from a touchpad mouse wheel’s input without looking directly at the hardware information and doing some guesswork. It would be too uncertain and too much work to implement that in my opinion.

If it’s not too big, I think you should be able to upload it to our Discord #documentation chat.

sub 10 mb is discords current limit to my knowledge. Except if cuperino diasbled file uploads on the dc

I tried to, but only some ppicture-formats are allowed to use. I have it as odt or pdf and I could zip it, but how can I upload then?

you can sent it to me via mail. i will just delete the account later. sissi@ liebeg .eu

Just sent it, hope it reaches you.

nothing yet. ----------

no I dont see it arriving. Did you write the address correctly? sissi@liebeg.eu