QPrompt User Documentation

Yes, address is right and I did not get a rejection notice or something like that. Maybe it just swims in the Austrian high waters :grimacing:

I configured my mailserver to the lowest possible security. It doesnt even care what tld is beeing used. It doesnt filter files nothing.

Tried again - hope it reaches you now. I have also sent it to Javier.

I haven’t received it either, but emails can take up to 48 hours to arrive, so let’s just give it some time for now.

Up to two days? I am on the other corner of Austria in 9 hours. I would be faster getting the files via usb and the Train.

Not with the train delays… IPoAC might be faster, assuming the avian carriers are already in place.
(I’m joking by the way. I love trains, they’re just confusing.)

to be fair shipping data defintitly has it’s right of existance.
You simply cant sent 100tb over the net in a reasonable time

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